Author Guidelines
Papers submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines:
- Papers should discuss the themes of the latest novel experimentation and theoretical work in all areas of Islamic education studies, covering Islamic boarding school (pesantren) studies, and its applications, written either in English or Arabic;
- Authors are required to use the style template (IJIBS Template) and format the manuscript accordingly before submission.
- Papers must be typed in A4-paper size;
- Papers’ length is about 6,000-10,000 words (not including the references and bibliography);
- All submission must include 150-250 words abstract;
- Full name(s) of the author(s) must be stated, along with his/her/their institution and email;
- All submissions should be in Open Office, Microsoft Word (doc. docx.), RTF, or WordPerfect document file format;
- Latin font used in Adobe Garamond Pro Font and Arabic font used in Traditional Arabic-font or Arabic words should be transliterated according to the style of IJIBS (download here);
- The bibliography has a minimum of 15 relevant references that related to the issue and recently published within 10 years;
- The references must be noted in footnote and bibliography according to Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note);
- When a source is cited for the first time, full information is provided: full name(s) of author(s), title of the source in italic, place of publication, publishing company, date of publication, and the precise page that is cited. For the following citations of the same source, list the author’s last name, two or three words of the title, and the specific page number(s). The word ibid., op.cit., and loc.cit. are not be used. It is suggested to use a reference manager when styling the footnote and the bibliography such as Zotero, Mendeley, et cetera;
- The maximum similarity of article plagiarism is 20%, excluding citations and references. We used the Turnitin app to check the article;
- There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Please consider the following creteria:
- The title of the article submittd to IJIBS should reflect a specific focus of study, based on researches—be they library or fieldwork researches—and thus the author can have a general statement and sub-title specifically confining the scope of study;
- The article submitted should be based on research—be it library or fieldwork or other kinds of researches;
- The article should present bibliography which entails primary sources—books, manuscripts, interviews, or observation—and updated secondary sources from books or peer reviewed journals;
- The article should contain an argument/thesis/finding which contribute to scholarly discussion in a field of study which should clearly be mentioned and systematically presented in abstract, content, and conclusion;
- The article should use good English, or at least can be understood; the author is fully responsible in fixing and editing English; the copy editor of IJIBS is responsible only for minor typos and understandable grammatical erros;
- The style and format, including the structure of article, footnotes, bibliography, should follow those of IJIBS;
- The template of IJIBS article in word document format is available for download here.
Examples of Footnote Style:
1 Ahmad Baso, The Intellectual Origins of Islam Nusantara: A Study on a Globalising Indonesian Islam and Reform of Hegemonic Reason (Jakarta: Pustaka Afid, 2017), 20.
2 Baso.
3 Baso, 21.
4 Omar Qureshi, “Science Curriculum from an Islamic Worldview,” in Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspective on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools, ed. Nadeem Memon, Mariam Alhashmi, and Mohamad Abdalla (New York & London: Routledge, 2021), 117-20.
5 Qureshi, “Science Curriculum,” 121.
6 M. Falikul Isbah, “Pesantren in the Changing Indonesian Context: History and Current Developments,” QIJIS 8, no. 1 (2020): 65-106.
7 Baso, The Intellectual Origins, 22.
8 Isbah, “Pesantren in the Changing Indonesian Context,” 68.
9 Siti Kholifah, “Gendered Continuity and Change in Javanese Pesantren” (PhD diss., Victoria University, 2014), 55.
10 Nadirsyah Hosen, “Shari’a and Constitutional Reform in Indonesia” (MA thesis, National University of Singapore, 2005), 23.
11 “New Trend of Islamic Education in Indonesia,” Mif19.tea's Blog, accessed Nov 14, 2022,
12 “The History of Pesantren Closely Linked with the History of Islam,” NU Online, Feb 12, 2018,
13 Mif19.tea's Blog, “New Trend.”
14 Aisyah Llewellyn, “Push for Tougher Sentences in Indonesia Sex Assault Cases1” Aljazeera, Jan 22, 2022.
15 Biju Samal, “Islamic Education During Medieval Period,” accessed Nov 14, 2022,
16 Ahmad Faiz Abdul Haq Zain, interview by M. Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi, Feb 5, 2021.
17 Zain, interview.
Bibliography List Entries (in alphabetical order)
Baso, Ahmad. The Intellectual Origins of Islam Nusantara: A Study on a Globalising Indonesian Islam and Reform of Hegemonic Reason. Jakarta: Pustaka Afid, 2017.
Hosen, Nadirsyah, “Shari’a and Constitutional Reform in Indonesia,” MA thesis, National University of Singapore, 2005.
Isbah, M. Falikul. “Pesantren in the Changing Indonesian Context: History and Current Developments.” QIJIS 8, no. 1 (2020): 65-106.
Kholifah, Siti. “Gendered Continuity and Change in Javanese Pesantren.” PhD diss., Victoria University, 2014.
Llewellyn, Aisyah. “Push for Tougher Sentences in Indonesia Sex Assault Cases.” Aljazeera, Jan 22, 2022.
NU Online. “The History of Pesantren Closely Linked with the History of Islam.” NU Online, Feb 12, 2018.
Qureshi, Omar. “Science Curriculum from an Islamic Worldview.” In Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspective on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools. edited by Nadeem Memon, Mariam Alhashmi, and Mohamad Abdalla, 113-124. New York & London: Routledge, 2021.
Samal, Biju. “Islamic Education During Medieval Period.” Accessed Nov 14, 2022.
Zain, Ahmad Faiz Abdul Haq. Interview by M. Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi, Feb 5, 2021.
Az-Zuhaili, Wahbah. al-Fiqh al-Islāmī wa Adillatuhu, vol. II, 2nd edition. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1985.
For more examples: The Chicago Manual of Style